Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Went to watch the NYC Marathon today for the first time ever - usually I avoid the course like the plague.  Unless there are MYmosas involved...  But today my friend Liz was running the marathon, so I went with the girls to support her and hold signs.

I must say, I was pleasantly surprised by how entertaining the runners were.  I had no idea that there would be so many costumed runners!  It was a little like the Village Halloween Parade, only faster.  There were ladies (and men!) in tutus, Uncle Sam, a full-on pimp complete with coat/hat/cane, and so many more.  The spirit of camaraderie between the runners and the crowd would have melted even the Grinch's heart - the cop stationed near us (for crowd control, ostensibly) shouted encouragement to the runners, patting them on the shoulder and giving high-fives.  Our group got into the spirit by shouting out the names of the runners, most of which were written on their shirts.  Some of them waved at us, or shouted their thanks as they dashed by.

Most entertaining of all was the dude next to us wearing a cardboard box spray-painted gold on his head.  He was holding a sign that said Everybody Shufflin' and also a tray of bananas.  Some of the runners actually stopped dead in their tracks or circled back to take pictures of him.  Rock on, Box-Head Man.

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