Monday, April 9, 2012


‘Hey, Ashley?  There are some puppies down here…”  I almost killed myself in my mad dash down the stairs (no easy task what with my monstrous post-Easter hangover) to see why puppies were in our yard.  Turns out they had gotten loose from the house across the street, but until we found their owner they were happy to roll around in the tall grass, chase each other, and try to eat my fingers.  The little Houdinis even managed an encore – after lunch, we found them hiding out under the car.  Definitely a very nice surprise, unlike the earlier discovery that I noticed after waking up to see my purse covered in blood stains.

Just in case the gouges from my recent diving incident weren’t enough, I evidently thought my legs needed a few more battle wounds.  And this, boys and girls, is why you don’t START drinking at 1pm.  Or if you do, you don’t continue  until 1am.  “Oops!”  I blame the Aussie country club owner who encouraged his friends to play ‘be your own bartender.’  Free beer is an even bigger enticement in a country where a 6 pack of Bud costs $16 (Australian!!!).  Happy Easter, indeed…

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